保護關稅(Protective Tariff)布魯塞爾估價定義(Brussels Definition of Value BDV)差別關稅(Differential Duties) 差價關稅(Variable Import Levies) 產(chǎn)品對產(chǎn)品減稅方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff)出口稅(Export Duty) 出口退稅(Export Rebates) 出口信貸(Export Finance) 出口限制(Export Restriction) 從量稅(Specific Duty) 從價(Ad Valorem) 從價關稅(Ad Valorem Duties) 多種匯率(Multiple Rates of Exchange) 反補貼稅(Counter Vailing Duties)反傾銷(Anti-Dumping) 反傾銷稅(Anti-dumping Duties) 關稅(Customs Duty) 關稅和貿(mào)易總協(xié)定(The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade) 關稅合作理事會(Customs Co-operation Council) 關稅減讓(Tariff Concession) 關稅配額(Tariff Quota) 關稅升級(Tariff Escalation) 關稅水平(Tariff Level) 關稅稅則(Tariff) 關稅同盟(Customs ) 關稅和貿(mào)易總協(xié)定秘書處(Secretariat of GATT) 國內(nèi)稅(Internal Taxes) 過境關稅(Transit Duties) 海關(Customs) 海關估價(Customs Value) 互惠原則(Reciprocity) 匯兌平價(Par Value of Exchange) 匯兌稅(Exchange Tax) 貨幣(Money) 約束稅率(Bound Rate) 自主關稅(Autonomous Tariff) 最惠國稅率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty) 優(yōu)惠差額(Margin of Preference) 優(yōu)惠稅率(Preferential Rate) 有效保護率(Effective Vate of Protection)
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